Credit: ICC-cpi.int / ICC President Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji with
Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Amina J. Mohammed.
The President of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji held an official visit to the United Nations in New York from 23 to 25 September 2018 to attend the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit, as well as the opening of the High-Level general debate of the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2018. In his statement, which was circulated during the Summit, President Eboe-Osuji stated that justice is intrinsically linked to the pursuit of lasting peace, and expressed his gratitude to the States in all regions that are standing strong in support of the Court. In doing so, added the President, States give actionable affirmation to the global commitment of ‘never again’ to the kinds of atrocious crimes that the Court was created to punish. President Eboe-Osuji had discussions with high-level officials representing ICC States Parties and non-States Parties which served as an opportunity to reassure these States of the importance of their continued support to the Court, and to create avenues for furthering the universality of the Rome Statute. Support for the Court remains strong among States. President Eboe-Osuji also held discussions with the Deputy Secretary General of the of the United Nations, Amina J. Mohammed.