NATO is set to show the world the military alliance is ready to respond to any threat from any direction, particularly Russia, by conducting the largest exercises in decades. UK troops landed at Rotterdam in The Netherlands this week as German tanks boarded a cargo ship on their way for Exercise Trident Juncture 2018. According to NATO, the combat scenario is the largest since the Cold War. The operation will involve 50,000 troops and 10,000 vehicles from all 29 NATO countries. The exercise will be launched in Norway on 25 October to November 7. Although NATO contends the military exercise is not directed at any particular, potential foe, many speculate the scenario is a show of force aimed at Russia to put Moscow on notice. Some also suggest the exercise is intended emphasize NATO’s relevancy, especially in light of U.S. President Trump’s pointed attacks on the alliance. Trump has characterized NATO as irrelevant, and called on the alliance to spend more on defense.
“Trident Juncture will show the world that NATO is relevant, united and ready to defend itself in this Article 5 scenario, testing our collective defense,” U.S. Navy Admiral James Foggo stated. Foggo is Commander of NATO’s joint Force Command in Naples, and will be the head Officer of the exercise.

Russsia-NATO tensions boiling over after Moscow’s invasion of Crimea
Tensions between NATO and Moscow have been rising ever since Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula in March 2014. NATO beefed up its military footing in the Black Sea and Baltic states after Moscow’s activity in Crimea. Strengthening a military deterrence in the East has been a top priority for NATO.

UK Troops Make Their Way Through Northern Europe Toward Norway