New York – Dag’s Patio Café, which serves up fast-food including burgers, hot dogs & breakfast in nondescript digs across from the United Nations, closed ahead of the winter season last week. Dag’s Patio Cafe, located at 342 E. 47th Street, at the east end of the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, between First and Second Avenues, serves up great chow to eat at outdoor seating only. Hence, the annual seasonal closing

“I didn’t realize it was closed,” one disappointed customer said as he stared at the closed sign. “I will miss it.” It is a shame the establishment is closed as it was a nice, mild November day that was perfect for sitting outside and watching the world go by.

Dag’s offers a menu of gourmet hamburgers and hot dogs exclusively blended for the eatery by the world-famous Pat LaFrieda butchers. The
Dag Hammarskjold plaza space, closed off to traffic, is perfect for a stroll, perfect for protesters to gather and shout their concerns to the constant flow of UN workers walking through, and perfect to sit on one of the many benches to read, or bring the children to play. Dag’s is Patio is run by the New York-based Hospitality Holdings, which also operates the World Bar, located in the lobby of the Trump residential tower across 47th Street, and the Campbell Apartment bar in Grand Central Station.
Loyal Customers Want Dag’s To Stay Open In the Winter Season
“One of my absolute favorite places to go in the neighborhood where I live. I am only sad to think that it probably won’t be open in the winter. PLEASE make a warm place for us to come to through the long cold winter! Put hot chocolate and mulled wine on the menu.”A customer posted on Dag’s Facebook.
“This is our Second Year of Closing DAG’S Patio Café &Bar. We will reopen April 1 (2019) We’re looking forward to serving you in the Spring.”
Hospitality Holdings, Inc.