If United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley was seeking to go out with a bang before leaving her post this month by pushing a U.S.-sponsored resolution to condemn the activities of the militant Hamas organization, she may now very well depart in a whimper as the General Assembly Thursday failed to adopt the measure. Haley, who is a staunch defender of Israel, lobbied member states on Monday urging them to vote for the US-drafted text, warning them: “The United States takes the outcome of this vote very seriously.” The resolution condemned Hamas for “repeatedly firing rockets into Israel and for inciting violence, thereby putting civilians at risk”, and for its use of resources in Gaza to construct military infrastructure “including tunnels to infiltrate Israel and equipment to launch rockets into civilian areas”. The resolution ‘Activities of Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza’ got 87 votes in favor, 58 against with 32 abstentions. The resolution failed to be adopted Thursday as it could not garner two-thirds support in the General Assembly. If it has passed, the resolution would have been a notable victory for Haley, who departs from her role as U.N. ambassador in January and has made it her business from day one to “expose anti-Israel bias” in the international body.
Haley Disappointed U.S.-Sponsored Anti-Hamas Resolution Failed
Haley charged that “there’s nothing more anti-Semitic” than refusing to condemn terrorism when it is targeting the Jewish state.”

Palestinians applaud defeat of US-backed resolution condemning Hamas
Hamas hailed the failure of a US-sponsored resolution condemning the Gaza-based terror group Thursday, calling it a “slap” against the Trump administration.
“The American draft resolution’s failure in the United Nations is a slap to the American administration, an affirmation of the legitimacy of the resistance and major political support for the Palestinian people and issue,”Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri wrote on Twitter.
Trump Selects Nauert To Be Next UN Ambassador Replacing Haley

Credit: Wikipedia: Current U.S. Department Of State Spokesperson Heather Nauert
President Donald Trump announced on Friday that State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert as his choice to succeed Haley as US ambassador to the United Nations.