U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman stated Monday that “the US stands with Israel against terrorists even if others won’t.” Ambassador Freidman was reacting to a reported “terror attack” near Ofra in which the militant Palestine Hamas group allegedly termed “heroic.” The U.S. Ambassador also sharply criticized the UN for failing to pass an anti-Hamas Resolution last week.
“Another vile act of Palestinian terrorism last night included the shooting of a pregnant woman. Hamas calls the shooters “heroic” — yes, the same Hamas that the UN could not resolve to condemn last week. The US stands with Israel against terrorists even if others won’t,”U.S Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman in a tweet Monday.
The UN General Assembly resolution condemned Hamas for “repeatedly firing rockets into Israel and for inciting violence, thereby putting civilians at risk”, and for its use of resources in Gaza to construct military infrastructure “including tunnels to infiltrate Israel and equipment to launch rockets into civilian areas”. The resolution ‘Activities of Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza’ got 87 votes in favor, 58 against with 32 abstentions. The resolution failed to be adopted last Thursday as it could not garner two-thirds support in the General Assembly.