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EUROPEAN UNION Excited About New EU-US Transatlantic Agenda for Global Change

(Credit: © Copyright European Commission 2020)

By Gary  Raynaldo     DIPLOMATIC  TIMES

The European Commission and the High Representative Tuesday advanced a proposal for a new, forward-looking transatlantic agenda with the in-coming U.S. administration of President Joe Biden.  While the past years have been tested by geopolitical power shifts, bilateral tensions and unilateral tendencies, the victory of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris, combined with a more assertive and capable European Union and a new geopolitical and economic reality, present a once-in-a-generation opportunity to design a new transatlantic agenda for global cooperation based on our common values, interests and global influence, the  EU said in a statement.  President-elect Biden believes in the idea of allies and the value of European partners while President Trump expressed contempt toward allies and NATO during the past four years. 

“We are taking the initiative to design a new transatlantic agenda fit for today’s global landscape. The transatlantic alliance is based on shared values and history, but also interests: building a stronger, more peaceful and more prosperous world. When the transatlantic partnership is strong, the EU and the US are both stronger. It is time to reconnect with a new agenda for transatlantic and global cooperation for the world of today.”

-Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

(Credit: european commission)     Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

European Union – United  States  A Principled Partnership

The EU’s proposal for a new, forward-looking transatlantic agenda for global cooperation reflects where global leadership is required and is centred on overarching principles: stronger multilateral action and institutions, pursuit of common interests, leveraging collective strength, and finding solutions that respect common values, the  EU said.

(credit: european commission)  Josep Borrell, EU High Representative/Vice-President

“With our concrete proposals for cooperation under the future Biden administration, we are sending strong messages to our US friends and allies. Let’s look forward, not back. Let’s rejuvenate our relationship. Let’s build a partnership that delivers prosperity, stability, peace and security for citizens across our continents and around the world. There’s no time to wait – let’s get to work.”

-Josep Borrell, EU High Representative/Vice-President

Working Together for a healthier world: COVID-19 and beyond

The EU said wants the US to join its global leadership role in promoting global cooperation in response to the coronavirus, protecting lives and livelihoods, and reopening our economies and societies. The EU also wants to work with the US to ensure funding for the development and equitable global distribution of vaccines, tests and treatments, develop joint preparedness and response capacities, facilitate trade in essential medical goods, and reinforce and reform the World Health Organization.


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