ISRAEL PM Netanyahu Warns U.S. Defense Secretary That IRAN Is “The Most Dangerous Threat” in Middle East

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(Jerusalém – Israel, 31/03/2019) Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro, durante jantar oferecido pelo Primeiro-Ministro de Israel, Senhor Benjamin Netanyahu ..Foto: Alan Santos/PR

By  Gary  Raynaldo     DIPLOMATIC  TIMES

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Monday told  visiting  U.S. Secretary of State Lloyd Austin in Tel Aviv that in the Middle East “there is no threat that is more serious, more dangerous, more pressing than that posed by the fanatical regime in Iran.”  The  U.S. Defense Secretary is traveling to the Middle East and Europe to consult with some of America’s closest allies, with an eye toward “revitalizing” America’s relationships,  the  Pentagon said.  Earlier in the day Defense Secretary  Austin reiterated that  the U.S. Commitment to Israel remains ‘enduring’ and ‘ironclad’ during talks with Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz.  After the talks,  PM Netanyahu met with Austin welcoming him to Israel then gave him a stern waring on the “dangerous” behavior of Iran in the region. 

“Iran continues to support terrorists around the world in five continents, threatening civilians everywhere.  Iran has never given up its quest for nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them, and Iran consistently — consistently and outrageously calls for Israel’s annihilation and works towards that goal.”

-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu to U.S. Defense Secretary:  “We won’t Let Iran Obtain nukes!”

“Mr. Secretary, we both know the horrors of war.  We both understand the importance of preventing war and we both agree that Iran must never possess nuclear weapons.  My policy as prime minister of Israel is clear:  I will never allow Iran to obtain the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel, and Israel will continue to defend itself against Iran’s aggression and terrorism.”

PM Netanyahu then remined the U.S. Defense Secretary of the significance of his visit to Yad Vashem.  

“You have just come from Yad Vashem.  We, a few days ago, celebrated — not celebrated, but marked the anniversary of the destruction of our people in the Holocaust, and I think, as I know also from our conversation, that you understand perfectly well that when we say it could never happen again, we mean that we will never let it happen again.  This is something that I think you, the president and the American people respect, and we appreciate that.”

-Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin on His First Visit as Pentagon chief to Israel:  

“It is, indeed, a privilege to be here in Jerusalem on my first visit as secretary of defense, which was made even more special, as I had the opportunity to visit the World Holocaust Remembrance Center.  I was especially moved by the stories of the victims and the survivors.  And to the prime minister’s point, we must never forget their sacrifice, their heartache and their loss.  And may their memory be a blessing, and let it always be a solemn reminder of our duty to be ever-vigilant against mass atrocities. Today, I was also grateful for the opportunity to meet with the prime minister to discuss a number of security issues that are important to our two countries, and I wanted to reaffirm the — the administration’s strong commitment to Israel and to the Israeli people.”

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