The Pentagon Press Briefing Room seal as seen March 27, 2020, Washington, D.C. (DoDo photo by Lisa Ferdinando)
WASHINGTON DC – The U.S. military will launch a “forceful response” against the Taliban if they attack Americans evacuating at the airport in Afghanistan capital city Kabul, the Pentagon’s press secretary said Thursday.
“We’ve made it very clear to the Taliban that any attack upon our people and our operations at the airport will be met with a forceful response.”
-Pentagon’s press secretary John Kirby
(Photo credit: Gary Raynaldo / ©Diplomatic Times ) Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby briefs reporters at the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
The Pentagon press secretary appeared at a press conference Thursday with Major General Hank Taylor, Deputy Director of the Joint Staff For Regional Operations, J-35. Major General Taylor stated that so far there has been no hostile interactions between the Taliban and U.S. forces or of American citizens getting through.
“Now we have seen reports of the Taliban harassing, and physically so, some Afghans that were trying to move to the airport. We are in constant communication with them…to make sure that — that they have the same visibility on the people that we want to see get through, as we do. And some of that has to do with a common sight picture on the credentialing. And so that — those conversations continue.” – Pentagon press secretary Kirby .
U.S. Military in Kabul Has More than 5,200 Troops on the Ground
According to Major Gen. Taylor, the U.S. military footprint in Kabul has now more than 5,200 total troops on the ground. “Kabul Airport remains secure and open for flight operations. There are now multiple gates that have access for entry into the airfield, which will help expedite processing in a safe and orderly manner,” Taylor said.
Since the start of evacuation operations on August 14th, U.S. has airlifted approximately 7,000 total evacuees
“In the past 24 hours, 13 C-17s arrived with additional troops and equipment. Also, 12 C-17s departed. These flights contain more than 2,000 passengers. These flights left Kabul and arrived at designated safe havens and staging areas in the CENTCOM area of operation,” Taylor said. Since the end of July, the cumulative number of people moved out of Afghanistan is near 12,000. That number includes American citizens, U.S. embassy personnel, individuals designated by the State Department as SIV applicants, and other evacuees, in coordination with the State Department, according to Taylor.