U.S. AFRICOM Airstrike Kills Two Al-Shabaab Militants in SOMALIA

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Source: Wikipedia Commons /  American drones such as the remotely piloted General Atomics MQ-1 Predator,  have been used primarily by the United States Air Force for counter-terror airstrikes in the Horn-of-African nation Somalia.

By Gary Raynaldo     DIPLOMATIC   TIMES

U.S. Africa Command  confirmed it conducted an airstrike  that killed two al-Shabaab fighters in a remote location near Libikus, Somalia on Sunday. AFRICOM said the airstrike was conducted in coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, against al-Shabaab terrorists after they attacked partner forces. U.S. forces are authorized to conduct strikes in defense of designated partner forces under the 2001 Authorization of Use for Military Force.   

 “The command’s initial assessment is that two al-Shabaab terrorists were killed in action and that no civilians were injured or killed given the remote nature of where this engagement occurred. The Federal Government of Somalia and the U.S. remain committed to fighting al-Shabaab to prevent the deaths of innocent civilians.”


Violent extremist organizations like al-Shabaab present long-term threats to Somali, regional and U.S. interests,  AFRICOM said.  The US goal in Somalia is to weaken al-Shabab militarily in order to foster a political settlement,  according to senior officials of AFRICOM.  The airstrikes are not without controversy, as there have been reports of civilian casualties. Many accuse the US of playing down and/or disputing civilian deaths. 


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