UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas

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Flag of the President of Uganda (Credit: Wikipedia Commons)


KAMPALA –  UGANDA  –  The world’s two super powers the United States and Russia have dragged Uganda into the middle of its rivalry. The average Ugandan has been left  perplexed by the back-to-back recent visits to Uganda of Russia’s top diplomat Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the United States Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield.  Although Russia and the U.S. have not come out and said so, it appears Moscow and Washington would like Uganda to choose sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The diplomats say they came here in Uganda on behalf of the same cause which is Ukraine.  But to average Ugandans,  it is still a mystery about what exactly these two countries want.  Some say on the surface it  looks as if the U.S. and Russia are competing in a new Cold War.  DIPLOMATIC TIMES East Africa Correspondent Atwine Allen sat down with Mr. Buhaka Lucas, an independent political consultant in Uganda spoke  who offered  his opinions regarding the back-to-back visits of the Russia and U.S. diplomats to the country and other issues of concern to Ugandans.  Buhaka Lucas is known as the Voice of the Voiceless. 

“Uganda as a country and its leaders should not involve themselves into enmity. The president represents the citizens and whoever visits Uganda on official duty should not be questioned. When two rival countries are having issues, the best option is to bring it to the table, discuss and find solutions instead of attacking one another. Because whatever happens in one country affects other countries.  So far, what’s happening in Ukraine and Russia is affecting the whole world, the global economy has dropped. But we need to call for peaceful co-existence rather than taking sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.”

-Buhaka Lucas

DIPLOMATIC TIMES  VIDEO  – UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas

DIPLOMATIC TIMES  VIDEO  – UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas


DIPLOMATIC TIMES  VIDEO  – UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas

In Uganda, People Are Suffering 

DIPLOMATIC TIMES  VIDEO  – UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas

Is Russia and United States Taking Advantage of UGANDA ?   What Are Their Motives? 

DIPLOMATIC TIMES  VIDEO  – UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas

DIPLOMATIC TIMES  VIDEO  – UGANDA And Its Leaders Must Not Get Involved RUSSIA-U.S. Enmity: Buhaka Lucas



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