Secretary of Defense Austin Meets With Angolan Defense Minister at Pentagon

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III speaks with Angolan Defense Minister João Ernesto dos Santos prior to a bilateral exchange at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., May 28, 2024. (DoD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Alexander Kubitza)

By  Gary  Raynaldo      –  DIPLOMATIC   TIMES

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin  met with Angolan Defense Minister Joao Ernesto dos Santos Tuesday at the Pentagon to continue dialogue on strengthening ties between the two nations.  Austin visited Angola last September during his first trip as Pentagon boss to Africa. Austin said Angola is a U.S. strategic partner and that the ties between the two nations are growing deeper and have tremendous potential. The military-to-military relationship between the two nations has the potential to grow, Austin said, and he specifically talked about strengthening cooperation in cybersecurity, as well as Angola’s potential participation in the Defense Department’s National Guard’s State Partnership Program. 

“Angola is a strategic partner and a regional leader, and the United States deeply values our deepening ties with Angola. As President Biden said in 2022 at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit here in Washington, Africa’s success is the world’s success.  And since that summit, the United States and Angola have continued to hold high-level dialogues and to advance the goals that our leaders discussed.”

-U.S. Defense Secretary Austin

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Angolan Defense Minister João Ernesto dos Santos stand for the playing of the U.S. and Angolan national anthems prior to a bilateral exchange at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., May 28, 2024. (DoD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Alexander Kubitza)

The Pentagon chief is the first U.S. Secretary of Defense to visit Angola. “I traveled to Angola because of the importance of our defense partnership.  I’m proud of all that we’ve done together to deepen our partnership, from maritime security to peacekeeping to defense policy and more,” Austin told Defense Minister dos Santos.  While in Angola, Austin met with President of Angola João Lourenço during a bilateral exchange at the presidential palace in Luanda.  Austin conferred  with Lourenço to advance the growing U.S.-Angola bilateral defense relationship and address regional security issues.   Meanwhile, the defense minister said Angola is a country with a peaceful vocation and defense, adding that Angola is a leader among the nations of the continent.

“The Republic of Angola is interested in fostering African defense and security policies in order to achieve peace, stability, cohesion, and the deepening of African projects.”

-Angolan Defense Minister Joao Ernesto dos Santos

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