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Category Archives: Africa

EUROPEAN UNION Sanctions MALI Military Coup Leaders

The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member states located primarily in Europe. By  Gary Raynaldo   DIPLOMATIC  TIMES The European Union on Friday imposed targeted sanctions on five members of Mali’s military junta, including Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga.  The five

US AFRICOM Says MALI Government Paying $10 Million/Month To RUSSIA Mercenaries

Russian 56th Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade. (Credit/ By  Gary  Raynaldo      DIPLOMATIC  TIMES US AFRICOM Commander Stephen Townsend said Russian Mercenaries are operating in West Africa nation Mali via the Wagner Group.  “We have observed  the Malian junta bring Russian mercenaries into their

Top US, France Army Generals Meet Amid Military Coup in Burkina Faso

U.S. Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander of AFRICOM, met with Army General Thierry Burkhard, Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces meet in Paris, France Jan. 24, 2022.  (Photo: Jean-Christophe Mantrant /  Etat-Major des Armees)   By Gary Raynaldo      DIPLOMATIC  TIMES U.S. Gen.

French Soldier Killed in Terror Attack in West Africa MALI

  Brigadier Alexandre Martin , of the 54th artillery regiment, was killed in combat in Mali Jan. 22, 2022 (Source: ministère des armées françaises) By  Gary  Raynaldo       DIPLOMATIC  TIMES A French soldier was killed Saturday in a mortar attack on the Operation Barkhane

West Africa Nation GAMBIA In Shock Over Deadly Bronx Fire Killing 17 People

  (Photo by Gary Raynaldo /©Diplomatic Times)  Many of the victims of the deadly Bronx  apartment fire were  immigrants from West African  nation Gambia.  Volunteers stand outside  The Gambian Youth Organization  at  214 E. 181st Street where items like  clothing, food  and toiletries can be dropped