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Category Archives: Africa

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Gabon President Ali Bongo Suffered Stroke: AFP

DIPLOMATIC TIMES STAFF AFP news agency says the Gabonese government has confirmed President Ali Bongo’s recent bout of ill health was the result of a stroke. Gabon’s President Ali Bongo has for the first time, since his hospitalisation in Saudi Arabia last month, appeared in

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Death Toll In Somalia Hotel Bombings Grows To 53

By Gary  Raynaldo     DIPLOMATIC TIMES  At least 53 persons were killed when suicide bombers and gunmen attacked a hotel last Friday in the Somalia capital city Mogadishu. Attacks were reported on the popular Sahafi Hotel, near the country’s criminal investigations department as two car

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Gabon President Ali Bongo Seriously Ill But Said To Be Recovering

By Gary Raynaldo   DIPLOMATIC TIMES  Gabonese President Ali Bongo is seriously ill but on the mend, his spokesman says, ending weeks of official silence on his condition, according to the BBC.       Bongo is currently being treated in Saudi Arabia. According to  media reports the