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YEMEN: The World’s Worst Humanitarian Disaster Keeps Getting Worse

Credit: Gary Raynaldo /  Gregory D. Johnson (left), Nonresident Fellow, Sana’ a Center for Strategic Studies,   Priyanka Motaparthy (center), Director, Counterterrorism, Armed Conflict and Human Rights Project, Human Rights Institute, Columbia Law School,  Peter Salisbury (right), Senior Gulf Analyst, International Crisis Group, at Council on

New Ambassador of the U.S Mission to the African Union

Credit: / /  Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat, received the credentials of H.E. Jessica Lapenn, incoming Ambassador of the U.S Mission to the African Union at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa Oct. 14, 2019 DIPLOMATIC TIMES STAFF The