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U.S. Airstrike in Iraq Kills Top Iran Backed Terrorist Leader

The Pentagon is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense in Washington DC By   Gary   Raynaldo    DIPLOMATIC  TIMES U.S. forces in Iraq conducted a “self-defense”  airstrike Thursday that killed Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari, a leader of an Iran-backed militia group, the

UN Peacekeeping Mission in MALI Ends After 10 Years

(Credit: UNMINUSMA) Fermeture le 28/12 du camp de #Tombouctou. Engagés à finaliser le processus de liquidation dans les délais les plus courts possibles. DIPLOMATIC TIMES  STAFF The UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) made a complete withdrawal from west African nation Mali Sunday

U.S. Airstrike Kills 1 Al-Shabaab Militant in SOMALIA Horn Of Africa

American drones such as the remotely piloted General Atomics MQ-1 Predator,  have been used primarily by the United States Air Force for counter-terror airstrikes in the Horn-of-African nation Somalia. (Source: Creative Commons) By Gary  Raynaldo    –  DIPLOMATIC  TIMES The United States military command in Africa