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Tag Archives: Doctors

U.S. Expands Visa Restrictions To Cuba’s Global Medical Missions

Cuban doctors arrive in Italy to help fight COVID-19.  / Credit/ /Matteo Bazzi/EPA  By Gary Raynaldo      DIPLOMATIC TIMES Cuba says it provides urgently needed medical care to impoverished people by dispatching doctors in overseas missions. The U.S. Trump Administration, however, accuses Cuba of

UNESCO Recognizes CUBA Leadership In Global Medical Diplomacy

  (  Cuban doctors have been sent to several countries around the world to help fight the coronavirus By Gary Raynaldo    DIPLOMATIC  TIMES The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recognized Cuba’s role in scientific and medical diplomacy in the Latin

Cuba Dispatches 37 Doctors To Help Fight Coronavirus In Italy

Photo: @CubacooperaGh /  Cuban doctors have been sent to several countries around the world to help fight the coronavirus By  Gary Raynaldo      DIPLOMATIC TIMES Cuba has sent medical brigades to combat COVID-19 in Italy as the  death toll soars past 6,000 in