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Tag Archives: UN Secretary-General António Guterres

UN Chief Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In SUDAN As 180 Killed

By  Gary  Raynaldo   –  DIPLOMATIC  TIMES UNITED  NATIONS  –  NEW   YORK –   UN Secretary General António Guterres Monday called for an “immediate” ceasefire to the conflict in Northeast African nation Sudan that has seen nearly 200 people killed.  Rival armed forces were locked in a

Two UN Egyptian Peacekeepers Killed in West Africa MALI

  By  Gary  Raynaldo   DIPLOMATIC TIMES UNITED  NATIONS  –  NEW  YORK  –  Two UN peacekeepers from Egypt were killed Tuesday when their armoured vehicle ran over an improvised explosive device some 60 kilometres northeast of Gao in Mali. Another nine Egyptian blue helmets were also

UN Chief Says “Terrible Consequences” For MALI Civilians If MINUSMA Ends

(Credit: MINUSMA/Blagoje Grujic)  UN peacekeepers on patrol in Kidal, Mali. By  Gary   Raynaldo    DIPLOMATIC  TIMES UNITED  NATIONS  –  NEW  YORK  –   Mali remains locked in a dangerous, “endless cycle of instability”  amid a military coup, delay of return to civilian rule, on-going extremist attacks,